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Who We Are
Pain Relief is the goal set for you by Injury Care Acupuncture & Wellness Center, we offer acupuncture, electronic acupuncture, acupressure, moxibustion, cupping, massage. Dr. Cao uses his over 15 years clinical experience to successfully relieve pain and promote healing with acupuncture, therapeutic Tui-Na acupressure, cupping, moxibustion. He has helped numerous people achieve natural relief and a balanced healthy life without the often harmful side effects of drugs and surgery. In our center, the whole person is treated to keep the body’s systems in balance and to overcome illness and injury. More than one kind of therapy may be recommended.
Our clinical experience shows that our treatments can effectively alleviate the following types of pain(chronic or acute, due to injury or illness):
*Sports injury, tight muscles *TMJ
*Car-accident injury *Neck and shoulders pain
*Work-related repetitive injury *Arm pain
*Arthritis and joint pain *Leg and knee pain
*Headaches, migraines *Plantar Fasciitis
*Sciatica *Sprain *Stroke *Tennis/ Golf elbow
Sleep in Absolute Peace Wake up to Bright Sunshine
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