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Acupuncture is a key component of traditional Chinese medicine that was used to restore energy balance within the body. The technique involves inserting very thin metal needles into the skin at precise points of the body with the intent of clearing energy channels and restoring or maintaining health. Each spot of insertion is chosen based on a network of energy lines in the body, called meridians. Depending on the issue you want to address, specific points will be targeted to provide relief. Acupuncture can provide a number of benefits, including:
*Pain relief *Inflammation reduction *Trigger point release
The needles used in acupuncture are hair-thin. People experience acupuncture differently, but most patients tell us there is very little or no pain as the needle is quickly inserted. Once inserted, there is no pain from the needle.
The great advantage of acupuncture, acupressure, and other natural modes is the absence of the kinds of side-effects that so many people experience from drugs, both prescriptive and over-the-counter. Depending on the need for treatment, most patients are relaxed with a sense of well-being.
The number of treatments depends on several factors: the nature and severity of the illness, the length of time it has existed, and the amount of physical damage already present.
Moxibustion is a type of traditional Chinese medicine. It involves burning moxa, a cone or stick made of ground mugwort leaves, on or near your body’s meridians and acupuncture points. The resulting heat helps stimulate these points and improves the flow of qi (energy) in your body. According to traditional Chinese medicine practices, this increased qi circulation can help with a range of health issues, from chronic pain to digestive troubles.
*Moxa can also be placed on the acupuncture needle and ignited. It burns on the needle until it’s extinguished. The heat travels through the needle to the acupuncture point.
*Indirect moxibustion is more commonly practiced. It’s also a safer option, since the burning moxa doesn’t actually touch your skin. Instead, the practitioner will hold it about an inch from your body. They’ll remove it once your skin becomes red and warm.
The suction will feel tight at first (not painful) while it draws your skin up into the cup. That sensation passes quickly as your therapist moves on to place the next cup. After placing each cup on your back, shoulder, abdomen, etc, your therapist will repeat the suction process. They’ll always check to make sure you’re still comfortable.
It’s important to understand that the red circular marks left behind by the cups are NOT bruises. They very rarely hurt. Bruises are caused by impact trauma that breaks capillaries in the injured area. But there is NO compression or impact trauma when cupping is done correctly. In fact, cupping does the opposite. Instead of compressing/pushing your skin and muscles, it lifts/pulls your skin and tissues. The red marks are a result of the blood being pulled into that area. The darker the mark, the more stagnant fluids (toxins, blood and lymph) were dredged up during treatment. The marks last anywhere from a few hours to several days. The more often you receive cupping for the same issue, the lighter the marks will be.